Saturday, February 27, 2016

38(S3E12)-The Instant... Again



(Season 3, episode 12)

The  Instant…  Again


Zachariah was out of time.

The long walk down the spiral had been an interesting one, as he had reconnected with his friend.  He had let Scott in on everything that had happened to him since that fateful day when the Druids and ninja's had appeared in his dad's backyard to kidnap him.  He told him about the fight with the rock troll, the insane midair battle down these very stairs and the final battle with the great wyvern Zersch.

He told his friend about his alternate self, and the trial on the floating city of Avalon, the fight with the Ork in his room and how Maggie was secretly a succubus.  He told him about watching himself die for a woman he had never met.

He told him everything because Scott was his best friend and he should know, but also to go through it again in his mind, looking for holes or pieces that would turn this confusion into something that made sense. He felt like he was close to something, close to understanding but it was just out of his reach.  It reminded him of when you forget a word and you can almost see it in your head but can't quite make your mouth say it.

The point had become moot.

The group reached the bottom of the stairs where once Zachariah had danced with a monster beyond his power and come out on top.  There was a door at the top, but standing in front of it all were the three Horsemen in all their terrifying glory.

"It is time for you to realize your destiny, Zachariah."  The one in the middle appeared to be Zachariah to Zachariah.

To Kahn it was her father.

To Scott it was the weeping widow.

"The middle one is the horseman of war, it will appear as your greatest fear," Mel said to strengthen everyone's resolve as they all seemed to take a collective step backward.

The horseman took a step forward.  "Yes, be brave, be bold, it will do you no good."

Just then, a noise like a small thunder crack, echoed throughout the giant open space and Mel cried out in pain, dropping to one knee.  Zachariah and Scott turned and saw the black mass at the edge of the room, slamming into Mel's shield like an animal testing its cage.

Zachariah whirled back to the Horseman and saw something new flashed across the face of his mirrored image, fear.

"Go my brothers, the Rognaithe must die!"  The Horseman of War yelled as Famine and Pestilence followed lead.

"They do not reach The Gaijin!"  Kahn yelled and the ninjas exploded forward.  Chaos followed.

Zachariah stood there as the unspeakable violence in his name commenced around him and, for the first time since this whole thing began, started to form a plan,  "I think... I think I figured it out."

Scott, usually a man of action, watched as a druid and a small army did battle with the physical manifestations of the apocalypse.  "What is it exactly?"

"Whatever it is, it's time to move!"  Mel said through gritted teeth, tossing him the key to the door.

Zachariah caught it and yelled.  "I just need to get to the door!"

He pushed into motion, his tired and bruised legs responded by pushing him forward into one last run. If he could make it to the door, to the chamber, maybe he could fix all of this.

"Stop him!"  War yelled from somewhere in the fray and almost on cue, Famine exploded out of the anarchy, a ball of razor sharp deadly teeth looking to end Zachariah and release his father.

"Duck!"  Bevan yelled and Zachariah dropped, diving forward into a roll, Famine's hand barley missing him as he did. Bevan's Rune gun shot was right on and a ball of flame washed over the creature. Zachariah did not turn back even when he felt the heat singe the hairs on the back of his neck.  He came back to his feet and kept running.

Red beetles descended on him, biting his exposed skin and drawing blood.  Zachariah screamed and slowed as Pestilence attacked. He was unable to do anything.  He dropped to one knee as the beetles became so heavy, his sight was becoming cloudy.

"Grab on!"  Kahn yelled as a weighted chain hit the floor in front of Zachariah.

He grabbed the chain and wrapped it around his hand and looked up.  Through the mess of bugs on his face, he saw Kahn and four of the ninjas, two on either side of her.  Kahn held the chain and anchored herself to the floor while the other four made three quick and strange hand gestures.

"Uindo!"  They yelled in unison before throwing their hands forward. Four extreme gusts of wind converged on Zachariah. The chain went taught and he was lifted off the ground but the bugs were ripped off him and hurled away.  The wind subsided a second later and Zachariah fell to the dust covered stone, itchy, but bug free.

"Go!"  Kahn yelled and leapt past Zachariah into action with the other ninjas.

Zachariah pulled himself up and pushed up the stairs, the home stretch for the door...

The blow caught him in the chest and hurled him through the air down the steps and crashing to the concrete with a sickening thud and a cloud of stone dust.  Zachariah had never been hit like that and he had been in two car accidents in his life.  He coughed uncontrollably and gasped for air.  He turned to see the dark image of himself striding towards him.

War smiled.  "I told you it would not matter.”

Zachariah screamed at his body to move but it would not. He had taken too much damage and had not had enough time to pull it back together.  War raised his foot to step on Zachariah's head and release the final horseman and the Armageddon that coursed through his veins.

That's when Scott blindsided the horsemen.

Scott had thrown training to the wind and put everything into a tackle spearing the horsemen.  They hit the unforgiving floor, hard.  Scott yelled to his friend, "GO!"

Zachariah pulled himself together and began to stand when the pain hit him.  It felt like a cold boney hand had wrapped itself around his heart and was crushing it.  Zachariah screamed and stumbled again. Death had become impatient and was taking matters into his own hands.

Zachariah scowled and gritted his teeth. "Fuck you, pal! We are going through that door!"

He stood again and reached out with the key, placing it in the lock.  Again, the pain came and he fell to one knee.  Death couldn't kill him from inside his body but it didn't mean he was going to make it easy for him.

Zachariah turned back and saw the resolve fade from Mel's eyes.  The mage had lost faith and had begun to believe the Dahaka was the only way.  Through the chaos, he saw Mel mouth the words, 'I'm sorry.'

Zachariah nodded and mouthed back, 'It's okay'

The shield dropped and the Dahaka exploded forward.  Ninja warriors were parted and hurled, Famine was toppled under the black mass of void that moved with a singular purpose at Zachariah.

For a second, Zachariah thought of just letting it come and take him. That oblivion might be the only way, after all.  Those mages all those years ago must have known more than some simple dishwasher, right?

"No”.  He spoke the word to himself more than anyone else and dragged the door open, closing his eyes and stepping through into the chamber.

He had not expected the otherworldly place to feel so familiar.  It was white, white for as far as the eye could see, but it did not feel like he was closed in, but instead like an open space.  He looked down and had to fight a momentary feeling of vertigo as he saw the absence of ground.  Make no mistake, he was not flying, it was more like he was standing on nothing.  All around him in the distance, he saw small black spots. Each seemed to throb and pulse with energy onto itself.


He understood the place faster than he thought he should.  The dots were all the times that people had entered this chamber and they were all happening now, all changeable, all of them working to decide how the rest of the world ticked on.  He knew that if he moved and thought about the one he wanted to go to, he would get there.  Why he knew any of this was a mystery to him but he felt the Dahaka behind him, entering the chamber and coming for him.

He thought of the Time Mages and began to run. Five steps later, one of the dots raced toward him and he stopped cold in his tracks at what he saw, "Scott?"

Scott was barely recognizable.  He wore a long black coat that had been torn to shreds. His face was older and covered in scars.  He held a nasty looking sword above his head as he stood over one of four shrouded monks who chanted, sitting in a circle.  The Haggard face looked over with shock at his long lost friend, "Zach?"

Zach and Scott meet again, but this is far from the friend he left outside battling War.  Will Zachariah let his murderous compadre kill the Time Mages and destroy the Dahaka, or can he find another way to fix all this?  Find out on the thrilling series finale!




Tuesday, February 2, 2016

37(S3E11)-The Killer's End


(Season 3, Episode 11)

The Killer's End


10 years after The Instant...

Zersch fell.

The mighty and ancient wyvern had put up a hell of a fight but The Killer had brought with him three of the most powerful beings on the planet for the sole purpose of conquering the beast.  They had done their jobs, but not without casualties.

The first to fall was Leesa, caught in the creature’s great maw and crushed to death early.  Very little of her remained.  This early loss had shaken The Killer's confidence as they engaged, throwing everything they had at it.  Big Green was killed by an errant tail swipe that had sent him into a stone wall at terminal velocity.  No amount of money could have stopped it from happening.

Finally, Dire Wolf had opened the creature’s throat, its blood pumped onto the floor before it fell to the ground, lifelessly.

The Killer looked past the creature at the door up ahead.  It was a simple, old-style wooden door that did not show its age at the top of a wide set of steps.  It was such a simple thing to have been the center of so much power.  He began to walk toward it, a deep exhaustion in his bones beginning to take root after the years of violence.  It was almost over.  He was so close to finishing it.

"Not so fast."  Dire Wolf had switched back into his human form.  He grabbed The Killer’s shoulder to stop him.  "It's your turn to deliver."

"This is over."  Before he could respond to Dire Wolf, Kahn's voice echoed throughout the large amphitheater.

The Killer turned to face her and, what seemed like an endless army of ninjas, awaited her command to attack.  Dire Wolf growled and prepared to go to war again, but The Killer raised his hand.  "You are right.  It is my turn to deliver."

All eyes went to him as he looked to Kahn.  "You see, Dire Wolf, Avalon has a great many magical defenses.  In fact, one would say it's magically impenetrable, which in many ways, is true."

He pulled a small radio detonator from his pocket with a flashing button on it.  "They are paranoid about the magic because they believe it is impossible for normal humans to find it.  In this hubris lies Avalon’s one true weakness; technology.”

The room stared at the button.  The Killer was the most important person in the room, possibly the world, at that very moment.  "Kahn, you knew I killed Mel and you came after me but you never stopped to ask yourself how long I had been on Avalon before I attacked the druid and stole the key."

"Don't do this..." Kahn's voice was low and had a ping of defeat in it.  It was not something he enjoyed hearing in her voice, especially since he had put it there.  He wished he could take it back but it was impossible.

"It's already done."  He clicked the red button and the color went out.  The device sent the one signal was made to send before becoming no more than a paper weight.  He tossed the piece of scrap away.

Somewhere in sky, miles away from them, three pounds of C4 detonated at the Chamber of Life, cutting the magical city off from the source of its flight.  Mel was dead, and without him, no one would think to enact the spell to keep it afloat.  It would tumble out of the air and crash below and the world would never be the same again.

A tension seemed to leave the ruins.  Dire Wolf's face of shock slowly turned into a smile before he began to laugh loudly.  The fight was over before it had begun.  The ninjas deflated one at a time as they realized their mission was failed, and had been, since the beginning.

"Challenge." The one word spoken from Kahn in a low and dark tone returned the weight to the situation.

The Killer frowned at her.  "It is over, it is not worth it."

"Challenge." -She repeated in an even tone and her masked soldiers parted as she approached him, drawing her sword.

The Killer's hand went to the hilt of his sword.  "Please, don't make me do this."

"If you ever had any respect for the clan, for nin-jitsu, or for me, you will draw your sword." Kahn finished and charged her sword high above her head.

For a second, the Scott that was buried deep inside The Killer began to panic.  He had told himself he had no feelings for Kahn or the ninja, that it was just a means to an end, but there was something there. He had expected her to be angry, but to see that her connection was served.  He had bet on her logical side seeing that there was no longer any profit or positive reason to continue and walk away.  He had always known her to be cold and calculating, but for the first time in their history, she had surprised him.

She was being emotional.

The Killer moved inside his head and silenced Scott.  The white noise of the terrible things he had done to get here, again were blocking out all feelings.  Once again, the light left his eyes and he felt the cold of what he had become, what he had to be; one more time to make this all worth it.


"It doesn't matter."  His hand whipped to his blade and he drew.

With skilled swordsmen, the battles can be long and amazing.  They are shows of whirling violent beauty, full of artful stokes and masterful parries.  They are visions amazing to watch.  Neither The Killer nor Kahn were skilled swordsmen.

They were great swordsmen.

Their level of skill had gone far past that of the long and aesthetic fight.  Each would only need one strike.

In a half second, with one loud sounding of steel on steel, the two warriors passed each other like something straight out of an old samurai film.  They both hovered for a second, as if the laws of physics were behind them trying to figure out who had made the cut that would cost one of the warriors the duel, and their life.

A second later, Kahn's legs became weak and she toppled forward to her knees.  Her black Shozoko became soaked with her own blood and in that second, she knew her life was over.  The clock was ticking down to zero.

The Killer flicked the blood from his blade and sheathed it.  No one moved.  Everyone was too stunned with the outcome.  The ninja and Dire Wolf just watched.

The Killer moved quickly to Kahn and, as she fell forward he caught her.  His cold heart had receded and his eyes showed a deep pain for the woman who now was dying in his arms.  His complicated relationship with the ninja master had come to this violent end.

She opened her eyes and looked upon him one last time.  She smiled, a thing that had been reserved only for Scott in the privacy of their personal time together.  "Can you really fix everything?"

Scott, The Killer, swallowed hard, trying to find a response.  "I have to.  This can't be the way things are. This cannot be the way things are meant to be."

"What if... this is the way it is supposed to be?" Her question was honest, as if searching for a reason to let go.

The Killer shook his head and looked away for a moment, his confidence, held together by metaphorical duct tape as it was, showed cracks.  Finally, he turned back to her.  "Then you will see me soon."

Kahn exhaled.  "That would not be... so bad..."

In that second the life drained out of her eyes.

Scott closed her eyes and gently laid her down on the stone ground.  The Killer rose.  Dire Wolf's eyes met his.  "No redemption for us my friend."

The Killer turned away from the old werewolf.  He turned to the doorway, the Chamber of Time.  No one had the strength or energy to stop him.

He opened the door and passed through.  There would be no redemption, but he would make this right.  He would fix the universe... or he would destroy it.

 HEAVY STUFF!!!!  As we get closer to the end, The Killer has entered the Chamber of Time will he kill the Mages of Time and stop the Dahaka?!  Can he put things right,  or is all of it too late to save Zachariah?

Find out next time!