Sunday, July 22, 2012

15(S2E2)- Druid Vs Loser


(Season 2 Episode 2)

Druid Vs Loser

“I did what, now?” Zachariah felt like he had been hit in the face.

Mary just laughed.  “Is this a joke?”

At this point, Zachariah was actually hit in the face.

He staggered while grabbing his nose and yelping nasally.  “What the shit?!”

The druid gave him no answer and instead a tattoo on his chest began to glow, and a bear’s head seemed to roar.  The druid then stepped in and punched Zachariah in the abdomen.  The force lifted him off his feet and sent him hurling ten feet into the closed garage door.

The force of Zachariah’s ass crashing into the paneling splintered the fiberglass.

Zachariah hit the gravel driveway face first with a moan.


“Damn that has got to hurt!” Shinji chuckled as he spoke in Japanese.

Kyo frowned under his ninja mask as the two watched the druid pummel Zachariah from a tree one yard over.  Kyo and Shinji had been assigned to maintain protection of Zachariah after the incident in Zersch’s liar.  They had been bested by the pathetic human and his dwarf sorcerer and had been assigned the job as punishment.

That being said, the last five years had been boring.  They had witnessed Zachariah drink too much, get into trouble, move five times and drink too much.  They had to intervene only a handful of times and only one of them involved any real skill.  The most dangerous had been the night Zachariah had gotten drunk and decided he needed pizza in a snow storm.  After wandering out into the blizzard, Kyo had to knock him out and drop him off at the nearest pizza place before he got himself killed.

So the prospect of action was appealing to both the ninja.  Not appealing enough, however.

“So what do we do?” Shinji asked.

Kyo shook his head.  “That is Seamus down there.  Head of the wards.”

Shinji nodded.  “True but we are supposed to keep him safe, aren’t we?”

“You feel like dying for that idiot?” Kyo asked.

Shinji rubbed his head where five years ago a mace had struck him, thanks to Zachariah, and frowned.  “What about Kahn?”

Kyo shrugged.  “What could she do to us that is any worse than babysitting that drunken loser for the last five years?”

Shinji had to admit that Kyo had a point.  “Alright, fifty says the druid kills him.”

“You’re on.” Kyo answered.


Mary made a yelp noise as she watched Zachariah hit the ground wide eyed.  “What in the hell is going on?!”

Her world had been turned upside down in a matter of minutes and she had no idea how to act.

“Run along woman, or you will be next.” The glowing tattooed man grunted at her before brushing past and advancing on Zachariah.

Zachariah had pulled himself to his hands and knees when Seamus got to him.  The druid grabbed the back of his neck and in one lurch pulled him to his feet.  Zachariah popped up right and looked Seamus in the eyes.

The druid smiled.

Zachariah took this opportunity to spit the mouthful of gravel he had concealed after the fall, into the druid’s eyes.

Seamus was more shocked than hurt as the spit saturated rocks bounced off his face. “In the name of the creator!”

“Never underestimate me!” Zachariah yelled as he balled his fast and pulled back his arm.  The muscles in his bicep and forearm strained and tensed as he prepared to put everything behind his next attack.

Zachariah then threw himself into motion, pivoting off his back foot and twisting into his next blow, launching a punch with all the power and determination he could muster.

The blow hit the druid’s face and he barley flinched.

Zachariah’s face sagged.  “Shit.”

The druid stepped in and grabbed Zachariah’s throat.  With one hand, he lifted the tall dishwasher of the ground, hanging him in the air as he gasped and gagged for breath.

Seamus smiled as he looked into Zachariah’s eyes.  “I am so glad you made this easy for me.  Once and for all, I’m going to kill you right here.  All the pain and suffering you have caused will be avenged.”

Zachariah was turning purple now and his eyes showed true fear.  Zachariah knew this was the end.

It was at this point that Mary stepped in from the druid’s right and hit him with a left hook.  The druid had seen her coming and thought nothing of the human woman, knowing she would be unable to hurt him.  This was a mistake.  The blow landed with an unexpected amount of power and Seamus saw stars.  He dropped Zachariah to the gravel driveway and fell to all fours.

Zachariah gasped for breath as Mary now checked on him.  Seamus pulled himself to his feet and rubbed his jaw, spinning back around to eye the woman.

Mary was a curvatious woman with big brown eyes and angled features.  She had jaw length crimson hair and wore tight jeans and a tee-shirt.  There was no reason she should be capable of such an attack.

Nonetheless, he would not underestimate her again.  “You have made your last mistake, woman.  He was the wrong man to back.”

Suddenly, the night sky lit up in a blinding blue light.  Seamus turned but it was too late and the arc lighting slammed into him, sending volts of electricity through his body.  He spun through the air and skipped off the car hood.

“How is this bringing him in alive?!” Mel’s voice yelled as he stepped from the front lawn to the driveway between Seamus and his quarry.

Mary just stared.  “Who the hell is this, now?”

“That’s Mel.”  Zachariah said, still gasping for breath.

Mary raised an eyebrow.  “You know this guy?”

Zachariah nodded.

“Has he always been able to shoot lighting out of his fingers?” She asked, bewildered.

“More or less.” Zachariah said pulling himself to his feet.

Mary looked confused.  “Define ‘more or less’.”

Zachariah shrugged.  “More, as in he has a million different other tricks, and less, being that he’s really, really, short.”

Mel scowled up at Zachariah.  “A short joke?  Really?”

Zachariah looked innocent.  “Come on, she practically gift wrapped that one for me.”

“You have crossed the line for the last time, Nex!” The druid’s rumbling, anger-filled voice killed the mood instantly.

Mel turned and gave him a determined looked.  “He stands trial!  I won’t let you exact justice on your own!”

“Let me just clear this up right now,” Zachariah interrupted.  “I didn’t kill anyone.”

Seamus eyed him.  “That is debatable.  Alright dwarf, you get your way.  Bring him to Avalon within the hour and let the courts decide his fate.”

Seamus turned to walk away, then thought better of it and looked back at the trio.  “If he steps out of line, I will take my revenge.”

Zachariah rubbed the bridge of his nose.  “See, this is why I hate you fantasy types. ‘Take my revenge?’ Really?  Nobody talks like that.”

Seamus frowned at him.

Zachariah maintained eye contact.  “Nobody.”

Seamus then turned and disappeared into the night.

Mel, Zachariah and Mary all stood in silence for a short time.

Mary then blinked twice and decided to ask the right question.  “What the fuck is going on?”


Shinji frowned as the three of them vanished.

Kyo struck out his hand expecting Shinji to pay up.

Shinji shrugged.  “I left my wallet in my other Shozoku.”

Zachariah and Mary are off to Avalon, but why is Zachariah charged with murder?!  Who has framed him and for what purpose?  Will Seamus ever get the anger management therapy that he obviously needs?

Find out next time!

Stranger Things: Zachariah’s Trial.


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